New Music Teacher Struggles

 I know the panic of being told you have to teach a subject you didn't study in Teacher's College! I was told I would be teaching grade 7/8 science for a few days. That turned into a week, then another week, two more weeks....from mid-October to the end of June finally! I was petrified. It was very hard to plan when I didn't know the content, or how long I'd be even teaching it.

In the various Facebook groups I'm in, there are often panicked posts by teachers who have been assigned music. In Ontario, you do not need to be a music specialist of any sort to teach music in elementary (K-8). It is preferred for grades 7/8, but not required. Music is often considered a coverage, or prep, subject. That means you're teaching the class so their teacher can have their prep time. When creating time tables and staffing, a principal is more concerned that staff get their required amount of prep than with who will be teaching prep subjects. Sometimes, it's up to the classroom teacher what subject they want covered by the prep teacher.

So you can see how so many teachers end up teaching music with no background. 

The other part of the equation is that these jobs are often a Long Term Occasional (LTO) position. The school can't hire a permanent teacher for the role due to funding rules. The prep coverage teacher is often new at the school each year, as well as new to the subject. These teachers are also often newer to teaching in general because the jobs are not full time and more experience teachers have either gotten their permanent job, or want a full time LTO.

If this is not the perfect set up to ruin a music program, I don't know what is. Well, having to travel to each classroom to teach music, rather than having a music room....but that's another post...

How do we get admin and parents to support music programs in these situations? Are you a music teacher in Ontario? Are you permanent or LTO? Full time or part time? Teaching just music, or a variety of subjects? What's your dream position? Share! Is there anywhere you're struggling? What would help you? Use the comments, or email me at . You're not alone!
