A Fresh Update for the New Year

One of my students’ favourite projects has gotten an update!

When I started working as a supply teacher (what substitutes are called in Ontario), I often came across projects that had students "analyze" their favourite song. As you can imagine, there's some concerns with letting students chose their current favourite song--language, quality--immediately come to mind.  I also noticed that students struggled to write using musical vocabulary. While they knew the definition of crescendo, they couldn't use it when describing actual music. They weren't functionally musically literate.

I knew that when I had my own music classes, I would create a resource that guided students in a critical analysis of a popular song. I opted to limit options to songs from the year the student was born. This would potentially open up new music to them rather than the current Tik Tok hit. If we were examining a particular time period, it could still be used. 

This resource has two options. First is a PDF, 6 page booklet. Each page has a series of questions to meet the Ontario Music Curriculum’s requirements for the fundamental elements of music from grade 4 to grade 8. Teachers can assign the first few questions, half the questions, or all the questions as necessary for the different grades (or to differentiate for students’ needs). The booklet concludes with a page for a summary of their critical analysis.
(Click on the photos to go to the resource page)

The second option is a Google Slideshow. This option has a reduced number of questions. Some answers require just a text box, some require a circle to choose from several options. The booklet was designed to be used over the course of a year, while the Slideshow is designed for a more condensed timeline. Either would be good to leave with a sub, though the Slideshow has definitions on each slide so it’s easier for students to complete with minimal assistance.

Also included is links to Google Docs with lists to songs/videos from 2011 and 2012. More years will be added!

Click photos above to go to the resource, or CLICK HERE!

This resource is also available in bundles!

I hope your return to the classroom this January went smoothly and you’ve come back renewed and refreshed!
